Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Professional Advice And Tips On Party Planning

Professional Advice On Party Planning

When planning a party or event, it is very important that you have a written time line and shopping list. When you have a time line and a list for shopping, you can be sure that your party will go off without a hitch.

These seven tips are from master party planners and they start off by having you construct your shopping list and time line:

Tip #1 Whether your party is large or small, for children or adults, a wedding reception, or a birthday party, you must have a list for buying food, decorations, and other necessities as well as a time line. Jot down a list of everything that needs to be done and how long you expect each thing will take to do. When you feel that your list is finished, you can start filling in your time line. This is the best time to start your shopping list as well.

Tip #2 Before you start your time line and shopping list, you will need to decide where your party or event will be held and how many people you are planning on inviting. If you want to have your party at a hall or a restaurant, you must call to reserve your time and date and to make sure that it is available.

Tip #3 After you have booked the location for your party, you can start to make your lists. When making your time line think about the things that need to be done ahead of time. If you will be using custom printed invitations make sure that you plan for extra time, since they will have to be ordered.

Tip #4 By now you should have chosen your date and location, have them secured, and, either made or ordered your invitations. Other things you need to think about are what the guests will be doing at the party, what type of food and drinks will be served, and when you want the party to start and end. Make a separate list for things that need to be done the day of the party, and list everything in order, by time. For example double checking your location reservation would be at the top of the list, while thanking your guests for coming may be at the bottom.

Tip #5 You should also create a time line for the two or three weeks before the event. Set aside blocks of time for cleaning, shopping, decorating, etc.

Tip #6 After you are finished with these steps, you will have an idea of what your timeline will be, and have a shopping and supplies list. These lists will help you to remember to pick up things that you may have otherwise have forgotten. In addition, you will see if you will need to ask others for their help.

Tip #7 It is very important that you stick to your lists and make sure everything gets done. If you are finding that you need help, ask other people to help you, most people are thrilled to help.

The outcome of following these tips, and others you hear from friends, will be a party that seems effortless to you and your guests. Developing a good time line and shopping list are an absolute must. When writing things down, you will have a much clearer idea of what needs to be done, that way you can decide what you will have time to do yourself and what you will need help with.

You Can Learn More By Clicking Here!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Planning A Potluck Party With Ease.

The thought of having potluck party may bring back memories your grandma or the old ladies from church having a party. Nonetheless, with everyone being so busy having a potluck pary is convenient for all because no one person has to do most of the work themselves.

Most of your friends and family have the same job commitments that you do, school activities, work, grocery shopping, running errands, practices, games, or anything else the kids may be participating in. When you and your friends and family want to get together, relax and socialize, having a potluck party might is a great way to do so. A potluck party makes a get together easier to plan and allows the work divided between many guests.

In ordert o make your potluck party a success, you need to take the time to plan ahead so that there is a variety of food instead of a bunch of the same type of food. Some of your guests will know exactly what they want to bring while others may have no idea what to bring. If this is the case you can give them a category and let them choose something from there. Categories such as drinks, the main dish, dessert, or side dish will guarantee that you have lots of different foods and everyone will be sure so that everyone can enjoy their meal.

There are a few other things to help can make your party go without a hitch.

They are:
1. Have everyone make their food ahead of time so all they need is to be reheated.
2. Let everyone know that they should bring their food in containers fit within the table space you have.
3. When you have a potluck party where lots of people are envited, let each person know that they don't need feed everyone, a 4 or 6 meal-sized portion of their food will be enough. People usually take a small amount when filling their plate so they have a chance to try everything before they get full.
4. Your guests may think that they have to make a dish that will impress everyone, but assure them that even something simple. People love to try other family recipes and these are great for a potluck party.

Since you are the host, you need to set up a table for all of the food. You should have a table cloth as well as potholders for the hot dishes. It would be a good idea to have extra serving platters, bowls, baskets, and serving utensils because not everyone will bring their food ready to be served.

As the host it is up to you to decide what to do about beverages. You could One important thing which you do not want to forget is the beverages. You can either supply them yourself, everyone can bring their own, or you can delegate one person to bring the drinks.

As the host you can choose whether to provide a dish or if you are having a party with a lot of people, you may feel that by having the party at your house that providing the plates, glassed and eating utensiles is doing your part. Most of the time the host takes care of the main dish, and has their guests brings foods that compliment it.

For more information on party planning click here!

Monday, May 4, 2009

This is my first post.

Welcome to my blog about party planning.